Monday, May 2, 2011

Premature Celebration In My Book

So Osama has been allegedly killed; for me I can't truly rejoice in this because regardless of his position in the world concerning terror, he was a creation of God and even the angels mourn the loss of life. With that being said, what exactly is everyone celebrating? Do you honestly feel that because one man has been killed that the war on terror stops and everything will go back to being peaceful and we will all be happy? I  mean really, what makes you think that Osama was the man in power behind all this terror, this is a movement that has been in operation for quite some time, and did not start and will not end with Osama. Yes, I'm happy in a sense because it means all the lives lost, both soldier and civilian were not lost in vain, and yes we are one step closer to hopefully coming to a resolution and ending war. But we still have world poverty, world hunger, homelessness, the AIDS epidemic and other countries still at war that need to be helped. So until we fight to truly end all of those problems, we really have no reason or room to celebrate. And call me the cynic, but I find all of this very suspicious; how convenient that Osama is killed in time for reelection, and how ironic that he was allegedly killed over a week ago, but nothing was mentioned? Oh wait there was a royal wedding going on that week, it would have been dreadfully tacky to mention both of those side by side on the news. Not to mention, there have been too many conspiracies  and crazy mess the US government has been involved in to not be suspicious of everything they say and do; MLK assassination ring a bell?  We as humans and Americans in particular are too trusting in what we are told and in what we see. Now is not the time to be celebrating and relaxing because one man of man is dead; if anything we should be even more careful and even more alert. Not even about to go on a Bible thumping rampage, but everything happening from natural disasters, to war to famine and disease has been on the Earth's plate for a very long time and is finally being served. Regardless of what you believe, everything is happening for a reason and if you think this is all just some strange occurrence in society, well you might want to rethink that. Being happy that one man is dead doesn't bring back the lives of all the innocent that were lost, but if it makes you feel better to celebrate, go right ahead. Me personally, I'm going to continue to pray for all those involved and ask God to protect our soldiers who put their lives on the line and I'm do what I can to help all the other problems that we have in the world. Osama might be dead, but your neighbor is still hungry, homeless, suffering from the financial crises and dying from AIDS; care to celebrate that one?

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