Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This Is Our Problem

This Is Our Problem
I have come to realize that many of the increasing problems in our community stem from lack of direction and guidance. Growing up, our parents and grandparents looked to their elders for knowledge, wisdom and age old advice about coming of age. Fast forward 50 years and look at what we have; grandpa trying to catch him a hunny while rolling around in his Cadillac on 22s, and grandma running around with a faster behind than a girl who just hit puberty! What has happened to the elders of our past, why are they looking down to us and doing what we do? Is it to stay young and fit in? It saddens me to know end to see someone my grandaddy's age calling me little mama, or trying to come on to me with a vulgar pick up line; have you no shame? I'm supposed to be looking for a man who possesses old school character and dignity, and instead I see you walking around with a pimp lean and wearing Roca Wear; wtf?!? And grandma, I thought you were supposed to be the one teaching me secrets of the kitchen and what I meant to be a morally upstanding lady; instead you're twerking in the club harder than and trying to take my man home, umm excuse me?!? I'm placing blame where it is due; on our youth, but more on our elders; they are simply following in the example that has been set for them and honestly we as a whole need to do better. Can we go back to the days of self-respect, character, and dignity? I guarantee you, we as a people will survive a lot longer that way than being caught up in this living fast to die you mentality, I'm just saying…

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