Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Happened To the Dream

When did we as a Black people give up on the dream? You know, the one that Martin Luther King Jr. had for us so many years ago? The one that wanted us to all live, work and love together? The one where we were supposed to value a man by his character not the color of his skin? Somewhere along the lines, we forgot that we were supposed to unite together against the injustices being done against us and instead we have focused on being our brother's enemy. Seems to me, that we as a Black people are the only race that can't and won't work together. We are so busy competing with one another to learn how to work together. Oh we may say we are happy for another's success, but when they leave the room we are so quick to talk about them and speculate about what they did to get where they are. Yeah we can sit here and blame the divisiveness of our community on Willie Lynch, oh wait you didn't read those letters? You know, the ones where he came up with a plan to divide the Black family and keep us bound in a mental slavery even though we were physically free? You know, the letters that showed the White man how to get the Black man to destroy himself, basically get him to do his own dirty work? White America is laughing at you my dumb pathetic Black community; you are doing what he said you do and you're doing even better than he imagined. Instead of lifting up your brother, instead you rob him, beat, kill him. You sit here and use the N word and your rationale is that you have take if from a word of hate and made it a word of love amongst ourselves. You sir, ma'am are a Nigger in the very context of the word if you believe that bullshit you tell yourselves; a noose was used to hang you, are you gonna use that and make something good out of it? Your grandparents and even parents cried and died because of that word and yet you use it such a cavalier manner, making fun of the blood they shed, the tears they cried, the lives they lost. Oh but wait you still my Nigga right? Black people, we should be ashamed of how far we have come from the dream that held so much hope for us, instead of standing on the block hustling some crack, pull up your pants and dream of a future other than being a rapper; when did being an educated Black man become a thing to be ashamed of? Instead of spreading your legs and popping out children like you're eating some damn skittles, put some clothes on and aspires to be somebody; when did being a strong Black woman become a thing to despise? Dr King had a dream not just for his children, but for all of us, some how, some way, we need to get back to the dream and become a people of pride and intellect; we are descended from kings and queens, why are we willing to settle for being a whore for a green piece of paper?

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