Thursday, November 25, 2010


"Nigga please." We say it with pride, we say it with ease, yet we forget this same word had our ancestors hanging from trees. We tell ourselves we use it to take away the White man's power, But we become shackled to him with each use, with each hour. We forget how they hung us like strange fruit from strange trees and let our blood drip on strange ground in the cool breeze. We claim that the word has lost it's meaning that it no longer has the power of hate, but how can that be if only our usage doesn't make us cry or make us ache. We forget how they raped our women, tortured and killed our boys, how they chased us for fun, used us as toys. I guess you still feel it's harmless, just a word, just meaningless noise. You can joke, you can tease , say the pain is of no effect, doesn't bring you to your knees. I on the other hand refuse to accept that burden, and humiliate myself, so you can keep your "Nigga" please...

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